Sokcho RC Flyers
Sokcho has a small group of R/C aircraft enthusiasts that meet out in a field south of Dong-u College every Sunday to fly their planes and helicopters. I went out there with my son to watch this afternoon, and we had a great time. They are really quite talented flyers.
I’d love to get into it sometime, if my wife (Chief Financial Officer) would approve the expenditure. Not likely to happen anytime soon.
A much cheaper option, is the air-pressured plane I bought at E-mart for 10,500won 40-60 pumps, and it'll take off for about a minute of free flight, with no control whatsoever. I've already lost one plane that flew up and over our four-story school and into a residential area (I assume, since I couldn't find it on

Saylen was fascinated with the planes, and giggled with excitement each time they took off.

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