My fellow Sokcho blogger, gangwonbrian, has a nice little post about persimmons. It reminded me of my first encounter with persimmons, and better ecounters since.
In 1999, I was a brand-new teacher at a large (4000+ students) boarding school just

It wasn’t until my meal preparation was in full swing that I realized something else different about these “tomatoes.” They had large, thin brown seeds inside, and weren’t as juicy as regular tomatoes. I went to work getting all the seeds out and threw them into my wok. It was once I started cooking that I realized that these were no close relative of the tomato, because my delicious tomato sauce quickly turned brown, and a taste test revealed that it was overpoweringly sweet. I had already wasted enough time with the seeds, there was no time to go back to the market, so I went on with whatever it was I was cooking. I tried to balance the sweetness with some vinegar, but even so, the result was a jam-like stew. Not having any alternative, and not knowing how to contact my supervisor to postpone the invitation, I cooked the spaghetti and served it, covered in brown persimmon jam.
My supervisor was very gracious, and ate two servings of the stuff. I explained that the dish hadn’t turned out anything like we normally eat in Canada, and that I had thought I was cooking with tomatoes. He pulled out his dictionary, and that’s when I learned what a persimmon is.
We became good friends over the course of the year, and it turned out he enjoyed cooking as much as I did. I learned how to cook several different kinds of simple Chinese food from him, and we did eventually have spaghetti, once I located the real tomatoes in the market.
Persimmons are a prominent part of Korean cuisine. In the fall, the leaves fall off the persimmon trees, leaving the bright orange fruit. A persimmon tree in the fall is a classic subject of Korean painting, and is one of my favorite images of the Korean countryside. The basic word for a persimmon in Korean (감) means, “sweet,” and has satisfied sweet teeth in Korea since long before sugar and candy arrived.
There are at least three kinds of persimmons that are eaten in Korea.

I have asked several “country people” (family and coworkers) and some say that they each come from a different tree, while others say the last two are made with the same fruit. My personal preference is for the fresh or dried persimmons, as the texture of the ripe ones remind me too much of overripe bananas.

Other persimmon products include persimmon vinegar, and persimmon leaf tea. Persimmons also figure prominently in Korean traditional medicine, providing cleansing effects to the upper body, combating diarrhea, and removing phlegm from the lungs.
Persimmons also play an important role in a Korean tradition and stories. One book I have, Korean Folk and Fairy Tales, by Suzanne Crowder Han, has one of my favorite Korean folktales:
A poor farmer found a perfectly shaped and unusually large persimmon on his tree, and after showing to his friends, decided that such a persimmon was fit only for the king. He took it and presented it to the king, who was impressed by the peasant’s gift, and in return, gave him a lump of gold, as large as the persimmon. When the peasant returned with his rich reward, his neighbor eyed him with jealousy, and thought that he must also receive such a reward. He sold all his belongings to purchase the finest ox he could afford and headed off to the palace with visions of a piece of gold the size of an ox dancing in his head. When he presented his gift to the king, the king was also impressed with this gift, and asked his attendant what gifts he had received recently that he could bestow as a reward on his loyal subject. His servant brought out the persimmon and gave it to the selfish peasant, and sent him on his way with the thanks of the king for the fine ox.
I think I have come across a couple “westernized” stories like this in readers, one abut a beggar giving a piece of corn to the king (which is magically replaced by gold), and another involving an apple, but I can’t recall the details or the sources.
Another good Korean persimmon story is The Tiger and the Dried Persimmon.
Here’s a truncated version, courtesy of the Koreana Magazine:

If you haven’t already come to Korea in the fall and tried the persimmons, by all means, do. It will enhance your life!