Skindleshanks' Cafe
Come on in. Sit down. Have some stuffed squid--it's really delicious! Life in Sokcho, South Korea
토요일, 9월 30, 2006
화요일, 9월 26, 2006
This may be a total waste of time, but I came across this clip of some people indulging in a common Korean beach pastime: burying people alive. If the victim is cooperative, the next step is to sculpture something on top.
Notice that while at an indoor pool or waterpark you may see the skimpiest bathing suits imaginable (on women and men!), at the beach the dress code is generally shoulders-to-knees.

I found a bit of mold growing on my old backpack the other day, so I washed it well, and then hung it out to dry from our verandah rail for a couple days. Once it was dry, I took it in ad left it next to the window for another day or so. When I finally got around to putting it away, I found this little critter sleeping in among the folds of the bag. Fortunately he was sleepy enough so as to not start flying all over the house. I took him outside and let him loose. Despite their ugly appearance, I love bats, mainly because they are excellent eaters of those pesky mosquitoes.

Here in Korea, passing gas and pooping is not really considered as rude as it might be in Canada, and for kids, it's an endless source of fun and cuteness. In fact, there is a very popular kids show character whose name could be translated, "Little Farter." My son loves that show!
Anyway, here's the lyrics to the song, if you can't make them out:
Daddy's bottom sings like an elephant.
Mommy's bottom sings like a deer.
My bottom sings . . . bong bong bong bong bong bong bong bong!
Here is a bonus that we got when we ordered Fried

I wasn't sure what this little critter would eat, but the answer turned out to be . . . just about anything! He eats spinach the best, and can chew through almos 2 big leaves a day!
Finally, we have a Coin-operated Helium Balloon Dispenser - put your money in, and try to catch the balloon before it gets away. I found this in the basement of the Geumgangsan Resort Hotel near Taejin.